Quick question. Could someone explain what Close-Grip Bench Press Rack Lock-Outs are?
I've been switching up my training alot this past month and trying to incorporate new principles and exercises. These past few weeks I've been following the Poliquin's 12-week arm program.
Tonight I'm starting the 6x2-4 portion of the program and was going to follow the sample workout he outlines. Only problem is that I don't know what Rack Lock-Outs are.
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!!
I've been switching up my training alot this past month and trying to incorporate new principles and exercises. These past few weeks I've been following the Poliquin's 12-week arm program.
Tonight I'm starting the 6x2-4 portion of the program and was going to follow the sample workout he outlines. Only problem is that I don't know what Rack Lock-Outs are.
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!!