Spart, was too late to lift, on my way now
Rachel, if you keep meeting men like this, it's time to re-asses, stop dating and find out why you attract these men. We are magnets for the things we dislike about ourselves. I am speaking from experience since I attract(ed) men who are less than ideal.
My ex seemed like a perfect man from the outside, but underneath his fake persona was a sick and twisted person. It took me for a loop cause I thought I had done so much self reflection at the time I met him only to discover I lowered my standards so much.
I wish my ex showed me his twisted side right away like these men are to you.
It took me some decent therapy and 2 1/2 yrs in Al Anon to see where I needed to work on me and I'm still working at it.
In any case, don't give up, there are good men out there, just look to find yourself a little and the good people just fall into your life.