Just a question a firend wanted me to post up. He started the BUD/S Navy Seal Warning Order. Looks pretty intense in the later weeks. Here is a link
he will start at category 1
He is also thinking about doing these 4 weight excercises, once a week, on the 5x5 method (see training board for 5x5); Squat, Deads, bench, standing military press. So only those 4 weight excercises in addtion to the running, swimming, PT routine of the Warning Order. Thats is his plan. He wanted to know what food ratios he should be eating. I suggested to put pro at %40, carbs at %40, fat at %20. I figure he will gain strength in his lifts, only 4 core excercises, one time a week for each one. So big pro and carbs to keep fuel and build the muslce, also the essential fat. Although he would take being fit and capable of completing the 16 weeks, while making str gains in those lifts he wants to know if he can GAIN size. I was not sure what to tell him. I said, well if you dont get a lot bigger, you should be cut up as a mo fo if your diet is inline. So bottom line, can he gain size? Too much volume? Do the PT routines really tax the nervous system and body to hinder the 4 weight excercise?? Any thoughts?
he will start at category 1
He is also thinking about doing these 4 weight excercises, once a week, on the 5x5 method (see training board for 5x5); Squat, Deads, bench, standing military press. So only those 4 weight excercises in addtion to the running, swimming, PT routine of the Warning Order. Thats is his plan. He wanted to know what food ratios he should be eating. I suggested to put pro at %40, carbs at %40, fat at %20. I figure he will gain strength in his lifts, only 4 core excercises, one time a week for each one. So big pro and carbs to keep fuel and build the muslce, also the essential fat. Although he would take being fit and capable of completing the 16 weeks, while making str gains in those lifts he wants to know if he can GAIN size. I was not sure what to tell him. I said, well if you dont get a lot bigger, you should be cut up as a mo fo if your diet is inline. So bottom line, can he gain size? Too much volume? Do the PT routines really tax the nervous system and body to hinder the 4 weight excercise?? Any thoughts?