No, my first cycle was last year, I did injec for 5 wks. It was very painful and left large welts. Towards the end of the cycle (4 wks in) I did start to have the beginnings of a few of the sides, ie..sore throat, slight acne, aching joints, however I finished the cycle and all returned to normal relatively quickly. I have been trying to research some other alternatives as well, Var- Equi-Deca, but have not completed the research enough to feel comfortbable. I had great results with the winny, but the sides I will not lie, are a concern. I compete in May and June (BB) and need some more upper body size to balance out my symetry while still maintaing a femine physique. Came in at around 8% BF last year for my first show and hoping to do better than that this year. Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated.