I am 32 yo, 5' 9", 200 lbs @ about 13% BF. I am going to run my next cycle with the goal of packing on as much "lean" mass as possible while trying to avoid the pillsbury doughboy look.
Cycle will consist of:
50 mgs Anadrol/ day, week 1-3
100mgs Proprionate/ day, weeks 1-2 (frontload) and 10-12 (leading into PCT)
500 mgs Enanthate/ week, weeks 1-10
50 mgs Trenbolone/ day, weeks 1-10
50 mgs Winstrol/ day, weeks 6-12
HGH @ 3ius, building to 4ius/day through cycle and beyond
I want to make sure my diet is in tandem with my goals (as much lean mass as possible).
SC and others- With the aforementioned in mind, what kind of macronutrient % breakdown and total daily caloric intake is implicated? My thoughts are that I should obviously fire up the protein intake to 2g per pound bodyweight and increase the "good" fat intake, while lowering carbohydrates. All thoughts are welcomed and appreciated.
Cycle will consist of:
50 mgs Anadrol/ day, week 1-3
100mgs Proprionate/ day, weeks 1-2 (frontload) and 10-12 (leading into PCT)
500 mgs Enanthate/ week, weeks 1-10
50 mgs Trenbolone/ day, weeks 1-10
50 mgs Winstrol/ day, weeks 6-12
HGH @ 3ius, building to 4ius/day through cycle and beyond
I want to make sure my diet is in tandem with my goals (as much lean mass as possible).
SC and others- With the aforementioned in mind, what kind of macronutrient % breakdown and total daily caloric intake is implicated? My thoughts are that I should obviously fire up the protein intake to 2g per pound bodyweight and increase the "good" fat intake, while lowering carbohydrates. All thoughts are welcomed and appreciated.