Yeah, I also heard that he removed pumping iron from produciton do to the joint at the end. But, that doen't make any sense to me because the 25th aniversary addition had the joint (i think) and when they talked about it in some article I read, it stated that Arnold wanted to keep the smoking part of it in because that was a part of who he was, and it was back in the seventies and that is what people did then. He acted like there wasn't anything wrong with it. So, why would he now allow a version with the smoking to be made???
Anyway, pumping iron rocks, i have two copies of it, one now with Raw Iron - The making of pumping iron.
Raw Iron was damn cool though. I had no idea that all those guys were so close and friendly. I wish I had people like that in my gym. It was weird though, to see all these big guys who are now all old and wrinkley.
And whats up with Mike Katz, he looked like crap!