I have been encountering a lot of positive feedback about the new GK Prohormone line, from logs, to just happy users in general with the huge amounts of gains being made... There is no question on the effectiveness and quality of the product...
HOWEVER, there is one common issue that I am continually seeing and have to address... People are getting harsher side effects than they should... Why? The dosing! People are dosing them TOO HIGH as well as not protecting themselves properly... YOU MUST, I REPEAT, YOU MUST USE N2GUARD WITH THESE PROHORMONES... You have to understand that they are highly methylated and you are getting big doses of several types of hormones in each serving... Too many guys have the "more is better" mindset but there comes a point with anything you are using where more is detrimental, not better... as powerful as these are, its just not necessary and its quite wreckless to dose too high...
Here is what I would recommend, ESPECIALLY for a new user to the hormone world... Ease into it... Start at 1 cap a day at least a week... Assess your tolerance and then consider bumping to two caps a day... MAKE SURE you are spacing these 12 hours apart if you decide to bump up to twice a day... A more conservative approach will ensure a better cycle and allow you to perform much better on cycle... It will ensure a much better recovery as well...
I would highly recommend reading full product descriptions at The #1 Supplier of Pro-Hormones - MyProH.com as well as the informative articles that have been written at Evolutionary Bodybuilding Diet and MMA...
You can contact me with any questions you may have about anything to do with these as well...
I just ran oxandrovar 6 weeks and never exceeded 2 caps a day and saw big gains doing so... All of the products are dosed VERY generously and you need to fully understand just how much you are getting of each hormone...
Anytime you start stacking hormones or steroids, especially methylated ones, you would generally cut the doses to half of what you would normally take... For example, each pill of oxandrovar contains 20 mg of epistane... Most people run it between 30-45 mg during a stand alone cycle... You are getting more than half of the normal dose IN ONE PILL... That's just ONE of the many hormones that comprises the makeup of the product... Keep this in mind...
DOSE THESE PROPERLY AND CAUTIOUSLY... You need to make sure that you are using n2guard to protect yourself from the methylation and you should also be using hcgenerate along with them as well... This many hormones together will definitely cause shutdown... HcGenerate is specifically designed to keep on cycle suppression to a minimum, making your transition into pct much smoother, allowing for an optimal recovery and more keepable gains… It also testicular shrinkage and your libido strong on cycle...
I know many people often think a full pct is not required with pro hormones as well... I ASSURE YOU that a COMPLETE AND EXTENSIVE PCT is needed with any of these as well, just like you would with a test cycle... Make sure you keep that in mind as well...
Send me any questions that you may have and I will be happy to help in any way I can...
Do things properly and you will get so much out of using these powerful new prohormones...
Check out The #1 Supplier of Pro-Hormones - MyProH.com and Bodybuilding, Need to Build Muscle, Muscle Bodybuilding for you cycle needs...
Coupon code Dylan10 will save you 10% at Bodybuilding, Need to Build Muscle, Muscle Bodybuilding
HOWEVER, there is one common issue that I am continually seeing and have to address... People are getting harsher side effects than they should... Why? The dosing! People are dosing them TOO HIGH as well as not protecting themselves properly... YOU MUST, I REPEAT, YOU MUST USE N2GUARD WITH THESE PROHORMONES... You have to understand that they are highly methylated and you are getting big doses of several types of hormones in each serving... Too many guys have the "more is better" mindset but there comes a point with anything you are using where more is detrimental, not better... as powerful as these are, its just not necessary and its quite wreckless to dose too high...
Here is what I would recommend, ESPECIALLY for a new user to the hormone world... Ease into it... Start at 1 cap a day at least a week... Assess your tolerance and then consider bumping to two caps a day... MAKE SURE you are spacing these 12 hours apart if you decide to bump up to twice a day... A more conservative approach will ensure a better cycle and allow you to perform much better on cycle... It will ensure a much better recovery as well...
I would highly recommend reading full product descriptions at The #1 Supplier of Pro-Hormones - MyProH.com as well as the informative articles that have been written at Evolutionary Bodybuilding Diet and MMA...
You can contact me with any questions you may have about anything to do with these as well...
I just ran oxandrovar 6 weeks and never exceeded 2 caps a day and saw big gains doing so... All of the products are dosed VERY generously and you need to fully understand just how much you are getting of each hormone...
Anytime you start stacking hormones or steroids, especially methylated ones, you would generally cut the doses to half of what you would normally take... For example, each pill of oxandrovar contains 20 mg of epistane... Most people run it between 30-45 mg during a stand alone cycle... You are getting more than half of the normal dose IN ONE PILL... That's just ONE of the many hormones that comprises the makeup of the product... Keep this in mind...
DOSE THESE PROPERLY AND CAUTIOUSLY... You need to make sure that you are using n2guard to protect yourself from the methylation and you should also be using hcgenerate along with them as well... This many hormones together will definitely cause shutdown... HcGenerate is specifically designed to keep on cycle suppression to a minimum, making your transition into pct much smoother, allowing for an optimal recovery and more keepable gains… It also testicular shrinkage and your libido strong on cycle...
I know many people often think a full pct is not required with pro hormones as well... I ASSURE YOU that a COMPLETE AND EXTENSIVE PCT is needed with any of these as well, just like you would with a test cycle... Make sure you keep that in mind as well...
Send me any questions that you may have and I will be happy to help in any way I can...
Do things properly and you will get so much out of using these powerful new prohormones...
Check out The #1 Supplier of Pro-Hormones - MyProH.com and Bodybuilding, Need to Build Muscle, Muscle Bodybuilding for you cycle needs...
Coupon code Dylan10 will save you 10% at Bodybuilding, Need to Build Muscle, Muscle Bodybuilding