light weight baby!!!
I've noticed most ladies on this board experimenting with prohormones seem to be going with epitest. This makes little sense to me because it appears to have a fairly significant androgenic rating compared to others. 91 for epistane, but only 28 for Haladrol and 20 for the powerful Superdrol. Is it because of its very high anabolic rating, 1100 to 74 and 400 repectively? Basically you need less epistane to get the same mass/strength gains as a larger amount of halodrol/superdrol. And the less you take the fewer chance of virilizing sides, correct?
Just trying to understand. I'm aware many experienced members have told me to stay away from prohormones til I'm at least 21. I will head your advice for now. NeedtogetAAS, I'll probly be ordering the bridge from the princess stack soon and see how it goes. You said that was safe, correct?
Just trying to understand. I'm aware many experienced members have told me to stay away from prohormones til I'm at least 21. I will head your advice for now. NeedtogetAAS, I'll probly be ordering the bridge from the princess stack soon and see how it goes. You said that was safe, correct?
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