I guess the good news is that at a low dose like 50 mg/week and its her first cycle? At least if she doesn't cycle a lot those sides usually go away once the compound has cleared your system. Primo takes a couple weeks to clear but it does go and I would expect a return to mostly normal. Most anything other than Var is probably going to affect her voice like that tho. I don't know much about NPP but IMO var is the only one that won't do that. Have you considered that? Mildest, most predictable of the compounds that I would bother suggesting for women.
If she doesn't like this very common side of most AAS I would ask then what is she running the cycle for? There is very little "free" when it comes to supps -- there's always a cost or a rebound or something that is involved because you are messign w/ self-medicating w/ male hormones. THat's sort of just the way it is. So to that end, obviously whatever her goal is, diet & training will be #1 and #2 considerations to be spot on, then if you choose to go there (and make that decision between results & sides) then look into AAS.
But if the voice thing is an issue - you either live w/ it or consider a milder compound like var or just get off the cycle. Otherwise its a personal experiment for her to find something that doesn't affect her as much -that comes down to personal chemsitry.