TOO MUCH! Unless you are a pro and don't mind sounding like a guy.
Ladies respond well to 50-100mg per week. You dose is 175!
I recommend a quick acting ester like nandrolone phenylprop or at least winny. Dose should be no more than 50-75 mg per week.
A good way to see 5 pounds in 4 weeks is to use winny every third or forth day at 25mg per shot. In this way one allows the hormone to flush out for the most part and thus androgens don't build up much. You could also take nanrolone phenylprop at at 50-75 mg once per week. This would also allow the quick acting ester to flush out yet still give decent gains.
Avoid the long acting esters like Primo or deca because if virilization comes on then you are stuck and have to ride out the ester for weeks while the sides get worse.
If you want to do primo then do it orally due to its short half life.
I would sooner have a women do 30-50 mg of test prop per week than 25 of primo every other day! Talk to Daeo ....his wife had a bad experience with primo
YES and NO ...depending on the type of alkylation used.
The 17aa actually gives the roid a much longer half life . It also increases its tendency to exist in the "unbound state". These things make the hormone much stronger as an androgen and an anabolic. This explains why a roid such as d-bol is effective at a lower dose than an injectable such as nandrolone or even test. As little as 140mg per week of d-bol will produce good gains but one needs at least 300-400 of test or nandrolone in order to see decent gains.(I am talking about the effective dose with men!)
PRIMO , in it's oral form IS NOT 17aa. This is good for the liver but the 1 alkylation and 17 beta esterification does not protect the hormone very well during first pass so MUCH MORE of the dose will not make it into the blood circulation past the liver.
Doses of 50-75 mg orally per day are needed in order to see decent results and at this dose the chances of virilization is very uncommon.
So Rainbow22 if your dose of 50mg every other day is oral then it is very safe. In fact I would recommend that much daily. BUT if that dose is IM then it will surely cause some virilization in most women. Daeo's wife seems to resist sides quite well yet she suffered from a lowered voice at a dose less than 175 per week.
Now winny is 17 aa in both the oral and injectable form. The reason why we see people take a larger dose with the injectable winny is simply because it is easier to do a larger dose in this way because it is more cost effective.
VDL if you are that concerned about your voice and you can't find good oral primo than why not just stick to anavar. 10mg per day, 5 in the am and 5 in the pm will give you great results and be very safe too. The most you will see at this dose is oily skin, perhaps a few pimples, and a little extra vag discharge. Your clit will likey be a bit more sensitive but it will not grow...may swell but it will not grow. Have you done anavar?
If you really want to do an injectable I strongly recommend nandrolone phenylprop over winny or injectable primo. Contrary to popular belief nandrolone is actually less androgenic than primo. The reason why primo is so popular with the ladies is because it is easier to find than nandrolone phenylprop although primo is commonly faked (may be test)Drop me a pm and I will tell you where to get nandrolone phenylprop.
All this said I must add that everyone reacts differently to roids........some find nandrolone worse than primo or winny but this is not the norm. Viking wife did 25 mg of nandrolone every third and had NO SIDES except for sex drive
Also nandrolone is a BETTER anabolic than primo.....gains in muscle mass will be better.