Well, I haven't had many responses, but thanks to you who did. Here's what I'm doing with 11 days left. I've on my 5th day at 400g protein, 50-60g fat, and less than 20g carbs. Tomorrow I will up the carbs to around 225g, lower the fat to probably close to 0. Then back to close to 0 carbs. I think I'm gonna begin the sodium load on Friday or Saturday. From what I understand, this will last until Tues. or Wed. I will do the carb up then also I assume (this is all planned out by my trainer, but I'm just having a rough time remembering it all right now). I'll continue with 3 gallons of water per day, until Thursday, when I'll stop liquid intake. Hopefully I'll dry out good for the show and be at the weight I need to be at. The trainer suggested red wine before the show. Does anyone else have any day before and contest day tips?