Does anybody have bleuprints of a professional powerrack, one of my friends builds steel boats, he has access to cheap metal and can welt it together, anybody?
I don`t but you can definately make them yourself. Damn, you`re lucky bro. I`ve been wanting to ADD a power cage to the end of my smith machine so I could have the best of both worlds.
Awesome plans!! In 1995, a friend of mine built a power rack. It was f**king strong. . . it could hold a car inside! The only problem is that the darn thing was too wide. . . (olympic bar collar to collar).
How about a hammock inside the cage? So that you can take a recovery nap immediately after squating while you have your protein IV drip hanging from the cage...
Dress your powercage in neoncolours and call it cagemodding