I'm part of a group of Boston University School of Management students that has created a hypothetical new product for an academic project and we need feedback from potential customers to use in a business plan. Our product idea is a medicine ball that allows users to adjust the weight by adding 2lb shells onto a 4lb core ball. At its maximum weight, the ball will be 12lbs and all four shells will be locked into place on top of one another.
We are looking for men and women ages 18-55 who exercise outside or in their homes to take a survey about our product. It takes about 5 minutes! bumanagement[dot]qualtrics[dot]com//SE/?SID=SV_51GelpiQEuvW0Ly
If you know of anyone else that would be willing to help, please pass the link on!
Thank you, your help is much appreciated!
We are looking for men and women ages 18-55 who exercise outside or in their homes to take a survey about our product. It takes about 5 minutes! bumanagement[dot]qualtrics[dot]com//SE/?SID=SV_51GelpiQEuvW0Ly
If you know of anyone else that would be willing to help, please pass the link on!
Thank you, your help is much appreciated!