Hi, I have decided to embark on a cycle. I have done a lot of research, but there are a lot of conflicting opinions on what to do and how to do it. Please can some vets advise on my proposed cycle. I have included a brief history of my experience for context.
My Proposed First Cycle
Weeks 1-10
Test E - 200 or 250mg 2x/week
Arimidex - 0.5mg EOD
Weeks 11-12
Nothing except supplements (which I don’t intend to use on cycle so that these are a new support when come off) : creatine, BCAA, pre work out, ZMA, Fish oil and maybe Clen (for anti-catabolic rather than fat loss properties)
Weeks 13-15
hCG - 2000iu EOD
Weeks 13-18
Nolvadex - 20mg 2x/day
AAS useage:
This is not technically my first as I did one about 6-7 years ago (Sust, Deca & Dbol) and gained a lot of size but also water retention/fat (diet was not brilliant, no PCT and training/diet slipped afterwards in the short term and then I went straight into a hard cut).
I have been weight training for 14 years, and taken it VERY seriously for the last 7 years. In that time I have had no more than 1 week off maybe twice, other than when I has back surgery (microdisceptomy) in Feb 2018.
Bodybuilding has been my life over the last 6 years, I take it VERY seriously.
I have tried many different routines (5x5, Bigger Leaner Stronger, Shortcut to Size, Kris Gethin’s, full body, PPL, 5 day split etc) and have made some progress but never been happy and don’t think I look like someone who lifts much let alone as seriously as I do (I am very ectomorphic by nature, and when I first lifted a Dumbell at 20 years old I was 95lbs at 5foot 6 inch and I am currently 34 years old 150lbs and have been for couple years so I guess close to generic potential)
Every week’s nutrition is pre-planned and followed to a T where I track calories and macros (following IIFYM and during a bulking phase 50% cards, 30% protein and 20% fat) I have a cheat meal once a week and drink alcohol maybe once every 2 months if that. On cycle I plan to start at maintenance + 500kc at 40% Protein, 40% Carbs, 20% fat.
Any constructive critique and advice welcome.
Thanks in advance
Sent from my iPhone using EliteFitness
My Proposed First Cycle
Weeks 1-10
Test E - 200 or 250mg 2x/week
Arimidex - 0.5mg EOD
Weeks 11-12
Nothing except supplements (which I don’t intend to use on cycle so that these are a new support when come off) : creatine, BCAA, pre work out, ZMA, Fish oil and maybe Clen (for anti-catabolic rather than fat loss properties)
Weeks 13-15
hCG - 2000iu EOD
Weeks 13-18
Nolvadex - 20mg 2x/day
AAS useage:
This is not technically my first as I did one about 6-7 years ago (Sust, Deca & Dbol) and gained a lot of size but also water retention/fat (diet was not brilliant, no PCT and training/diet slipped afterwards in the short term and then I went straight into a hard cut).
I have been weight training for 14 years, and taken it VERY seriously for the last 7 years. In that time I have had no more than 1 week off maybe twice, other than when I has back surgery (microdisceptomy) in Feb 2018.
Bodybuilding has been my life over the last 6 years, I take it VERY seriously.
I have tried many different routines (5x5, Bigger Leaner Stronger, Shortcut to Size, Kris Gethin’s, full body, PPL, 5 day split etc) and have made some progress but never been happy and don’t think I look like someone who lifts much let alone as seriously as I do (I am very ectomorphic by nature, and when I first lifted a Dumbell at 20 years old I was 95lbs at 5foot 6 inch and I am currently 34 years old 150lbs and have been for couple years so I guess close to generic potential)
Every week’s nutrition is pre-planned and followed to a T where I track calories and macros (following IIFYM and during a bulking phase 50% cards, 30% protein and 20% fat) I have a cheat meal once a week and drink alcohol maybe once every 2 months if that. On cycle I plan to start at maintenance + 500kc at 40% Protein, 40% Carbs, 20% fat.
Any constructive critique and advice welcome.
Thanks in advance

Sent from my iPhone using EliteFitness