Hello to all the cool dudes and dudetts here
I'm planning my first tren cycle and I need experienced people to criticize it. It's confusing, at one moment I think I've covered all the angles, then you read something and your brain boils.
So, let me try and cut through the clutter.
My stats:
*6 months ago - I let myself go for about a year, with all the work and personal stuff, I went apeshit on junk food and found myself being a 25% bf slob eating peanut butter out of a jar and binge watching Angie Tribeca
*today - I cleaned up my act and lost a lot of the fat with no gear - I'm 36, 183 cm, 210 lbs at about 14% bf right now. I have about a dozen cycles under my belt, but never tren
*goal - get to 10% bf (anything under that makes me feel like sh..., it's just my body type and f-ing getting old I guess)
Potential cycle:
*Test Cyp. | Week 1-12 | 400 mg a week (200mg Sunday/Thursday)
*Tren 150 | Week 1-6 | 300 mg a week (150mg Sunday/Thursday, tren 150 is all I can get my hands on)
*Arimidex | Week 1-12, 0.5 mg eod
*Prami | Week 1-12 (tapering up from 0.125 to 0.25 (0.5max) ed then back to 0.125)
*HCG | Week 1-10, 250 IU two times/week | Week 10-12, 750 IU eod)
Potential PCT:
*simple 4 week Clomid | 100/50/50/25 - (first tab three days after the last shot)
Here's the tricky part - for me, no diet comes close to Keto when cutting (especially now that I kind of plateaued) , I plan to stay around 2500 kCal.
The issue is salt - I need it on keto and it's trouble with Tren.
My questions:
1) first of all, any comments on the cycle itself
2) the whole Nolva after tren confussion, I've seen people swear by it for the PCT and I've seen the opposite
3) HCG on pct - never quite understood why it's bad in a tren pct, people are making swipe statements but I like to understand WHY
4) apart from BP, how often to get bloodwork done and what to focus on in terms of hormones (anything apart from e2, prolactin and prog.? and how to react if anything is whacked out - for example, if prolactin acts out, do you switch to caber or cease tren)
5) any thoughts on the salt issue - if the BP is under control, is that all to look out for?
6) most importantly - apart from the subjective feeling, what do you guys consider "fully recovered" in terms of bloodwork values
Apologies for the essay and thanks for any thoughts of those patient enough to read it
I'm planning my first tren cycle and I need experienced people to criticize it. It's confusing, at one moment I think I've covered all the angles, then you read something and your brain boils.
So, let me try and cut through the clutter.
My stats:
*6 months ago - I let myself go for about a year, with all the work and personal stuff, I went apeshit on junk food and found myself being a 25% bf slob eating peanut butter out of a jar and binge watching Angie Tribeca
*today - I cleaned up my act and lost a lot of the fat with no gear - I'm 36, 183 cm, 210 lbs at about 14% bf right now. I have about a dozen cycles under my belt, but never tren
*goal - get to 10% bf (anything under that makes me feel like sh..., it's just my body type and f-ing getting old I guess)
Potential cycle:
*Test Cyp. | Week 1-12 | 400 mg a week (200mg Sunday/Thursday)
*Tren 150 | Week 1-6 | 300 mg a week (150mg Sunday/Thursday, tren 150 is all I can get my hands on)
*Arimidex | Week 1-12, 0.5 mg eod
*Prami | Week 1-12 (tapering up from 0.125 to 0.25 (0.5max) ed then back to 0.125)
*HCG | Week 1-10, 250 IU two times/week | Week 10-12, 750 IU eod)
Potential PCT:
*simple 4 week Clomid | 100/50/50/25 - (first tab three days after the last shot)
Here's the tricky part - for me, no diet comes close to Keto when cutting (especially now that I kind of plateaued) , I plan to stay around 2500 kCal.
The issue is salt - I need it on keto and it's trouble with Tren.
My questions:
1) first of all, any comments on the cycle itself
2) the whole Nolva after tren confussion, I've seen people swear by it for the PCT and I've seen the opposite
3) HCG on pct - never quite understood why it's bad in a tren pct, people are making swipe statements but I like to understand WHY
4) apart from BP, how often to get bloodwork done and what to focus on in terms of hormones (anything apart from e2, prolactin and prog.? and how to react if anything is whacked out - for example, if prolactin acts out, do you switch to caber or cease tren)
5) any thoughts on the salt issue - if the BP is under control, is that all to look out for?
6) most importantly - apart from the subjective feeling, what do you guys consider "fully recovered" in terms of bloodwork values
Apologies for the essay and thanks for any thoughts of those patient enough to read it