Radical Ice
My gf's sister was recently diagnosed with pituitary cancer and subsequently had the gland removed. Because of this, she will obviously be going through HRT for the rest of her life. She stumbled onto an overly hyped ad that really pumped up the wonders of DHEA, so she did a few google searches to learn more. She also knew that this is not included in her HRT treatment and will check with her Dr on her next appointment in a couple of weeks to find out why. Do any of you know if DHEA would or would not be of value to a 48 year old woman? She'll see him only with whatever information she learns on her own over the next few weeks, but I'd also like to get a bodybuilder/sports nutritionist' point of view from some of you on this matter as she is also into doing moderate weight resistance and cardio training... Is this something she should be supplementing?

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