I really need to figure out how to put blocks on my tv's!
I don't watch much tv but at about 3am I woke and couldnt' get back to sleep so I start channel surfing.
Low and Behold... Freaking soft porn on TMC ???????????
I have a basic country cable no additional channels.. I knew they pushed the bar on USA sometimes but this was all out bumping rumps... no close ups or anything but bare nekkid, tits and ass.. and getting it on.
I don't watch much tv but at about 3am I woke and couldnt' get back to sleep so I start channel surfing.
Low and Behold... Freaking soft porn on TMC ???????????
I have a basic country cable no additional channels.. I knew they pushed the bar on USA sometimes but this was all out bumping rumps... no close ups or anything but bare nekkid, tits and ass.. and getting it on.