New member
Im about a week into my Oxandrovar cycle and was wondering if we needed some more reviews on it. Currently loving it so far, strength is almost instantly up. I should have a full 2 weeks under my belt with the Ox before I start my test/tren/mast so I'll really be feeling the effects after 2 weeks if I already am feeling them after 1 !!
If anyones interested I'll do a write up on it. I'm dosing 2x a day 12 hours a part for 30 days as a kickstart to my upcoming cycle. I am 10.4 % BF currently and even if Ox can help me get to 9 % range in a month would be incredible, I know when my body gets sub 10 so hopefully Ox can help me get there before the real cycle starts.
I'll post my stats and shit if we need the review ! This shit is legit and for the price just can't beat it. Can't wait to see what next week has to bring!
If anyones interested I'll do a write up on it. I'm dosing 2x a day 12 hours a part for 30 days as a kickstart to my upcoming cycle. I am 10.4 % BF currently and even if Ox can help me get to 9 % range in a month would be incredible, I know when my body gets sub 10 so hopefully Ox can help me get there before the real cycle starts.
I'll post my stats and shit if we need the review ! This shit is legit and for the price just can't beat it. Can't wait to see what next week has to bring!