If you do the bench and military on monday and thursday, also add barbell rows, lat pulls and lateral raises. For example, on those days I do heavy rows first thing in the morning, 225x15, 295x8x2 after 30 reps of situps with a 25 lb plate on the chest. Later I do the bench press, 135x15, 225x10, 245x9, 265x4. Lateral raises: 80 each handx12x3. Lat pulldowns: 415(bowflex)x12x3. Barbell push press with jerk: 185x6x2.
Tuesday I do deadlifts: 395x9, 395x6x3. Then practice work on snatches(still working technique and timing-only been doing this 2 months, but lifting off and on since 1987) 75x4, 95x4x2. Friday: Squats: 135x15, 225x10, 275x6, 295x6. Repeat of the snatch workout.
The problem with most gyms is that unless they are that high priced crossfit nonsense there isnt much in the way of platforms, so the trick is to find an open space and just practice olympic lifts without creating a racket. You can gain a lot of coordination, speed, and timing even working light weights on the olympic lifts, plus they're fun to do.