Rats given a diet of organic food were slimmer and had a stronger immune system than those on conventional diets, found a study carried out by UK and Danish researchers.
One should just eat those rats for protein and be cool... Organic Protein. shot two birds at the same time...
But coming back to the original question: Organic products around here carry a hefty premium... damn, it is already expensive to eat all this food as it is, I don't even want to think if I were to put some 40 ~ 50% on top just ot be sure is tree-hugging compatible... so nope, bring on the TransGen-Pesticide-riddled food!!!
i have started eating mostly organic food recently...i definatly feel a difference. i have more energy and get sick less. Also, after doing all the research on what goes into meats between hormones, antibiotics...ive changed my views..