New member
I'm trying to put together a pre-contest cycle that I'm going to be starting on soon. Looking to compete next Spring. Last time I dieted down I stuck to Fina and Winstrol and ended up feeling pretty flat and tired the whole way through. This time I would like to use Fina (100mg EOD) the whole way through. Winstrol (50mg EOD) towards the beginning switching over to Halotestin (30mg/day) towards the last couple of weeks in addition to Clen and Cytomel. I would also like to add around 1000mg of Test per week to try to maintain more size, fullness, and strength. I've heard the positives and negatives of incorporating Test into a precontest cycle. If I was to go this route I would also use a Proviron (25mg/day) & Nolvadex (20mg/day) combination to minimize estrogen related side effects. I usually don't hold too much water from Test anyways. The test I was thinking about using was Sustanon at about 500mg every third day, until around 4 weeks out when I would switch over to Test Propionate. Please let me know if you guys think this sounds good, bad, and anything else you would possibly do instead. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.