New member
[FONT="]I am 41 years old and I just finished my first use ever of test. I have been lifting on and off for about five years with decent reults, but I have always been a hard gainer (6'3" with a high metabolism) and I just never could seem to break plateaus or gain considerable mass. I decided to use test to try and make some significant progress in my "old age." I used 300 mg per week for ten weeks. Needless to say, I had fantastic results! My gains in strength were significant and I have literally had at least ten people make comments in the last several weeks ("man, you are getting buff" etc.). I am very pleased with the results! My question is I know now that I am done with the test that I will lose quite a bit of my strength gains, but willI lose all of it? I had heard that even after you go off the test, you will still retain at least some of the strength gains. Also, I am not going to do another cycle now unti upcoming Summer. Would it be too much if I did 400 mg per week? Thanks for your input.[/FONT]