fuck the Steelers!!! My platoon sergeant is a big time Steeler's fan.....I keep reminding him that Pitt doesn't have the luxury of playing the Bengals every week....LOL Can't wait to watch them lose and make fun of his ass tommorrow!!! GO CHARGERS!!
fuck the Steelers!!! My platoon sergeant is a big time Steeler's fan.....I keep reminding him that Pitt doesn't have the luxury of playing the Bengals every week....LOL Can't wait to watch them lose and make fun of his tommorrow!!! GO CHARGERS!!
I got into a fight at fed-ex field defending the steelers against some punk ass redskin fans once, they were drunk and attacked my uncle beceause he had a Greg Lloyd jersey on.....heh 3rd degree blackbelt+being 15 and illegal to hit was one fun combo.