We have to be smarter about our nutritional choices when bulking while making better selections concerning our consumption of food.
We all know that there are foods which in excess are bad for our health, mainly the heart in particular. So of course in moderation we can play the game of tug of war, give and take, etc. More calories in my opinion is the best option when bulking however we must strongly consider which calories truly enhance our quality of life.
For me personally, I limit my intake of food that are high in fat in particular red meats in exchange for egg whites, protein powders, fish, beans etc and my body reflects these foods that I consume yearly.
Within my experience I can say that some guys never get out of the meat meat meat concept when bulking as well as when not bulking or participating in a healthier lifestyle and end up with bad hearts and out of shape. The appetite just continues to grow and grow as well out of the gym life and some end up obese with heart problems. Add drinking beers into the equation and bam metabolisms slow down, love handles begin to appear, motivations become secondary however the appetite thrives for life.
Thankfully today's bodybuilder has more access to information available via research and social media platforms enabling us all to make better decisions concerning our bodies.
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