New member
Hey gents, just a few questions. I'll post my questions at the bottom, but first, some background if you are willing to read it:
Im currently on week 3 of my cycle. Yes, I have everything I need, AI, PCT etc... My issue is that I am not really seeing results as far goes size and weight increase. I took dosages as follows:
Week 1: H-Drol /25
Week 2: H-Drol /50, Epi 20
Week 3: H-Drol /75, Epi 40 (Right Now)
My goal is to put on muscle and lose some fat, Im at 3000 calories a day-ish, getting all the nutrients I need and such. My stats when I started were 5'11, 185 lb. and I am now 188 lb., only a 3 lb. gain.
Now, I will say that I have had some strength increases, for example my bench press went from 185x12 and 205x5 to 205x12 and 225x5.. most of my other lists about the same increase of in the 15-20lbs range.
My routine is kind of simple, I do a rotation between weeks, first of higher reps with working weight, 4x12 and then the next week 5x5 with heavy weight on all my lifts. I then restart.
I got the routine and dosages from my friend who is an avid bodybuilder who uses PH's and other things often, when I told him I am not really seeing results, he said he doesn't want to give me any bro-science and to come to a forum like this and ask.
My questions are:
Is it too early for visible changes?
Is my routine fine?
Are the dosages fine?
Any other input you guys have?
Maybe I am over thinking the results, as I know both these products are mild. I don't expect some Bruce Banner type transformation, but I was expecting some size increase.
Thank you all very much, your input is greatly appreciated! 
Im currently on week 3 of my cycle. Yes, I have everything I need, AI, PCT etc... My issue is that I am not really seeing results as far goes size and weight increase. I took dosages as follows:
Week 1: H-Drol /25
Week 2: H-Drol /50, Epi 20
Week 3: H-Drol /75, Epi 40 (Right Now)
My goal is to put on muscle and lose some fat, Im at 3000 calories a day-ish, getting all the nutrients I need and such. My stats when I started were 5'11, 185 lb. and I am now 188 lb., only a 3 lb. gain.
Now, I will say that I have had some strength increases, for example my bench press went from 185x12 and 205x5 to 205x12 and 225x5.. most of my other lists about the same increase of in the 15-20lbs range.
My routine is kind of simple, I do a rotation between weeks, first of higher reps with working weight, 4x12 and then the next week 5x5 with heavy weight on all my lifts. I then restart.
I got the routine and dosages from my friend who is an avid bodybuilder who uses PH's and other things often, when I told him I am not really seeing results, he said he doesn't want to give me any bro-science and to come to a forum like this and ask.
My questions are:
Is it too early for visible changes?
Is my routine fine?
Are the dosages fine?
Any other input you guys have?
Maybe I am over thinking the results, as I know both these products are mild. I don't expect some Bruce Banner type transformation, but I was expecting some size increase.