But as I intend to demonstrate this is in essence the same. I believe the myth to have originated because Nolva is clearly a more powerful anti-estrogen, and the people selling clomid needed another angle to sell the stuff, so it was mostly used as a post-cycle aid. But few users really understand how clomid (and also Nolvadex, logically) works to bring back natural testosterone in the body after the conclusion of a cycle of androgenic anabolic steroids. After a cycle is over, the level of androgens in the body drop drastically. The body compensates with an overproduction of estrogen to keep steroid levels up. Estrogen as well inhibits the production of natural testosterone, and in the period between the return of natural testosterone and the end of a cycle, a lot of mass is lost. So its in everybody's best interest to bring back natural test as soon as humanly possible. Clomid and Nolvadex will reduce the post-cycle estrogen, so that a steroid deficiency is constated and the hypothalamus is stimulated to regenerate natural testosterone production in the body. That's basically how the mechanism works, nothing more, nothing less.
-Pero como intento demostrar estos son en esencia lo mismo, creo que el mito se origino cuando la gente que vende clomid vio en nolvadex una opcion mas fuerte, y necesitaban otro angulo para seguir vendiendo, asi que clomid se comenzo a presentar como terapia post-ciclo.
Pero pocos usuarios realmente entienden como clomid y nolva trabajan para traer la producion de testosterona de vuelta a sus niveles normales.
Despues de terminar un ciclo los niveles de androgenos en el cuerpo decaen dramaticamente, el cuerpo compensa con una sobreproduccion de estrogeno para mantener los niveles esteroidales altos, el estrogeno tambien inhibe la produccion de la testosterona, y en el periodo de recuperacion de niveles optimos de testosterona, se pierde masa muscular, asi que esta en el interes de todos recuperar la produccion de testosterona tan rapido como sea humanamente posible.
Clomid y nolva reducen el estrogeno de post-ciclo, asi que el hipotalamo es estimulado a restaurar la produccion de testosterona, ese es basicamenyte el mecanismo, nada mas nada menos.