Yo bros! Wrapping up my mini 8 week test/deca cycle. Going to take 2 months off (after PCT) then give sarms a whirl. But would like to purchase them now.
I’m 44, 5’8”, 185 bf 15% my main goal is cutting but also very interested in maintaining joint health and also don’t want to sacrifice sleep. I usually do pretty light cycles so would like to try a SARM stack that won’t give me many sides but still get good results, thanks all! All input welcomed!
I’m 44, 5’8”, 185 bf 15% my main goal is cutting but also very interested in maintaining joint health and also don’t want to sacrifice sleep. I usually do pretty light cycles so would like to try a SARM stack that won’t give me many sides but still get good results, thanks all! All input welcomed!