hey, first time post here .. be gentle
i just got done sifting thru most of the search results for winny ... and im still unsure about a few things.. first off lemme give you some info here. im 5'6 bout 150 lbs and BF is 16%. i prob have about 20lbs to go in the fat department, holding onto alot of it in the lower ab, hips and thigh area .... i have lost 90 lbs over a 3 year span. ive been weight training and doing cardio for about 4 years now. weights i do 5 days a week, each body part done once a week besides legs and abs whick are twice. my diet is as clean as can be, besides the occasional "breakdown" ... which really doesnt happen all too often. i never really stay with one set pattern of protein, carb, and fat ratios. i try to flucuate it alot so my body doesnt get used to it. oh yeah, right now im doing 45 mins med. intensity cardio everyday. also im on a fat burner, which ive been on for about 2 years now on and off. ok, i think thats good enough ....
1. how long should my first cycle last?
2. starting dosage winny <injectible>?
3. what size needles?
4. when, how often do i inject?
5. if a vial is say 50mg, how do i preserve the rest for next use?

1. how long should my first cycle last?
2. starting dosage winny <injectible>?
3. what size needles?
4. when, how often do i inject?
5. if a vial is say 50mg, how do i preserve the rest for next use?