ok i just finished a cycle of beastrol. i am now on unleashed and pct. i am also taking phytoserms 347 and bridge. i am leaving for cancun in two weeks and i want to shed the fat around my core. i am 40 years old,6'1" and weigh 193. i talked to a friend of mine and he told me that i really didn't want to do cardio after a beastrol cycle. this was my first cycle of any kind of steroid, but he has been a great coach to me through it. anyways i am not sure what to do. i am eating fairly good. i consume between 200 and 250 grams of protein a day. i work out every day, but it is strength training only. no cardio period. i started back in october and lost around 46 pounds. i just can't seem to get rid of the little bit of fat around my core. is there anything i can do in two weeks?