Skinny kid89
New member
Hi guys, my very first post but long time admirer, so my stats are as follows im 25, 170 lbs and just under 6'0' this will be my second cycle and will consist of :
test compound injection 250mg-test prop 30mg
-test phenylprop 60mg
-test isocaproate 60mg
-test decanoate 100mg
and deca-nandrolone deca 250mg
Week 1-10: 750mg test (2 pins of 1.5ml(375mg) per week)
500mg deca (2 pins of 1ml(250mg) per week)
milk thistle as well
Week 2-5: 40 mg d-bol/day(2x10mg in the morning 2x10mg in night)
liv tabs (4 tabs per day)
week 12-16 clomid 50/50/25/25
tx(tamoxifen) 20/20/10/10
im am goin to start running an AI as well at the start of my second week.I was thinking .25 of a dex eod and bumping it to .50 if any estro problems occur(i have mild gyno already,puffy nips when warm) and will be running it until my last shot.
now i also have HCG 5000iu x 3 and was wondering when should i take them 3 shots? when i start my PCT(week 12-16) and how often?
You should note i took my first pin 3 days ago and will be taking my next today.
Oh and before i forget people say run test 2 weeks after deca to ensure no decadick, should i change my dosage to ensure i have enough test left for 2 weeks after last deca pin? or is it cool since im not running my pct till 2 weeks after my last pin?
Oh and one more thing are my deca and test both water based??so i can stick in the same pin, first pin i had both in
Sorry in advance if i have made some serious errors or said stuff im not aloud say,im not quite fully aware of the rules yet. and thanks for the advice i will hopefully receive
test compound injection 250mg-test prop 30mg
-test phenylprop 60mg
-test isocaproate 60mg
-test decanoate 100mg
and deca-nandrolone deca 250mg
Week 1-10: 750mg test (2 pins of 1.5ml(375mg) per week)
500mg deca (2 pins of 1ml(250mg) per week)
milk thistle as well
Week 2-5: 40 mg d-bol/day(2x10mg in the morning 2x10mg in night)
liv tabs (4 tabs per day)
week 12-16 clomid 50/50/25/25
tx(tamoxifen) 20/20/10/10
im am goin to start running an AI as well at the start of my second week.I was thinking .25 of a dex eod and bumping it to .50 if any estro problems occur(i have mild gyno already,puffy nips when warm) and will be running it until my last shot.
now i also have HCG 5000iu x 3 and was wondering when should i take them 3 shots? when i start my PCT(week 12-16) and how often?
You should note i took my first pin 3 days ago and will be taking my next today.
Oh and before i forget people say run test 2 weeks after deca to ensure no decadick, should i change my dosage to ensure i have enough test left for 2 weeks after last deca pin? or is it cool since im not running my pct till 2 weeks after my last pin?
Oh and one more thing are my deca and test both water based??so i can stick in the same pin, first pin i had both in

Sorry in advance if i have made some serious errors or said stuff im not aloud say,im not quite fully aware of the rules yet. and thanks for the advice i will hopefully receive