Hi Fellas, I'm a new member here.
41 Years
190 lb
Body fat at 15% (several caliper tests averaged).
I've been training the past 5 years solid and a decade before that on and off. I have done 2 cycles when I was in my early 30's (Test only and then Test/Deca) had good gains and I was happy with the results.
I decided to cycle again again 5 months ago and I completed my first cycle 2 months ago of Test Enanthate at 500 mg/week for 12 weeks and gained 20 lbs. and kept 14 lb. Used arimidex at .5mg EOD, experienced some mild water retention but experienced bad back acne and on my chest as well.. I am prone to it I suppose, I am HRT at 100 mg Test Cypionate week so no PCT as I am now back on my regular maintenance dose. I am happy with the results.
Had blood work done after pre cycle and post cycle.
Here are some post cycle results (2 weeks after last injection)
HDL 24
LDL Cholesterol Calc 109
VDL Cholesterol Cal 12
Triglycerides 62
Total Cholesterol 145
TESTosterone >1500
Estradiol 42.9 pg/ml
AST/ALT levels were fine.
Hematocrit was 51.4%
My goal is to stay dry this time, by keeping Estrogen in check better, maintain or gain some/moderate LBM, lose body fat.
Please assist with a cutting cycle suggestions. I have been working hard on cardio and getting my diet in check from the bulking format that I was following and have transitioned to a maintenance Kcal intake before I begin a cutting diet and cycle.
I was thinking of maybe Test E (I could use Prop I guess) for 12 weeks and possibly Anavar at 50mg/day for last 6 weeks. Thought I might try Aromasin this time at 12.5 mg/day though because I still wound up with high Estradiol levels, I was still taking .5mg Adex EOD when I had blood work done.
I am not ready for Trenbolone, Deca makes me hold crazy water. From my research I am too fat for Masteron. EQ raising dangerouse levels of RBC's and hematocrit is something to be concerned about?
Opinions and suggestions please?
Thank you in advance.
41 Years
190 lb
Body fat at 15% (several caliper tests averaged).
I've been training the past 5 years solid and a decade before that on and off. I have done 2 cycles when I was in my early 30's (Test only and then Test/Deca) had good gains and I was happy with the results.
I decided to cycle again again 5 months ago and I completed my first cycle 2 months ago of Test Enanthate at 500 mg/week for 12 weeks and gained 20 lbs. and kept 14 lb. Used arimidex at .5mg EOD, experienced some mild water retention but experienced bad back acne and on my chest as well.. I am prone to it I suppose, I am HRT at 100 mg Test Cypionate week so no PCT as I am now back on my regular maintenance dose. I am happy with the results.
Had blood work done after pre cycle and post cycle.
Here are some post cycle results (2 weeks after last injection)
HDL 24
LDL Cholesterol Calc 109
VDL Cholesterol Cal 12
Triglycerides 62
Total Cholesterol 145
TESTosterone >1500
Estradiol 42.9 pg/ml
AST/ALT levels were fine.
Hematocrit was 51.4%
My goal is to stay dry this time, by keeping Estrogen in check better, maintain or gain some/moderate LBM, lose body fat.
Please assist with a cutting cycle suggestions. I have been working hard on cardio and getting my diet in check from the bulking format that I was following and have transitioned to a maintenance Kcal intake before I begin a cutting diet and cycle.
I was thinking of maybe Test E (I could use Prop I guess) for 12 weeks and possibly Anavar at 50mg/day for last 6 weeks. Thought I might try Aromasin this time at 12.5 mg/day though because I still wound up with high Estradiol levels, I was still taking .5mg Adex EOD when I had blood work done.
I am not ready for Trenbolone, Deca makes me hold crazy water. From my research I am too fat for Masteron. EQ raising dangerouse levels of RBC's and hematocrit is something to be concerned about?
Opinions and suggestions please?
Thank you in advance.