What type of music suits your personality? Country? Techno? Pop? Rap? Classical?
FInd what makes YOU want to groove and happy....that is the first step. You can use any type of music, but it has to suit your personality and posing routine. Start there, then we can give specific ideas.
What type of music suits your personality? Country? Techno? Pop? Rap? Classical?
FInd what makes YOU want to groove and happy....that is the first step. You can use any type of music, but it has to suit your personality and posing routine. Start there, then we can give specific ideas.
One sing I have in mind is Behing Blue Eyes Limp Biscuit..I don't want too upbeat or I will end up dancing on stage and bodybuilders do not dance on stage as far as I know
Hmmmm, I am wondering if it is more suited towards a Fitness Routine since it is dancier.....I think I like the Behind Blue Eyes idea better. But Toixc DOES have some cool points in it where it would fit BB well too. Problem is, I have the Ronnie Coleman Olympia posing routine in my head - when he posed to Eminem's Lose Yourself. SInce then, that "type" of song empitomizes BB posing to me. Which is why I think I like Behind Blue Eyes better.
But all in all, think of the types of poses that you feel comfortable doing - transitions, movement, etc) and whatever song best suits your style and personality. Which one will help you smile more? Which one will help you tune everything else out and just focus on the music and your body?
Especially for women, you don't want the music to be too hard. It just doesn't really work for the girls that much. My first show I used a custom mixed version of Metallic's "No Leaf Clover" - a friend of mine pulled out all the vocals & editted enough to get it down to the routine time limit. I wore a shiny black suit w/ silver studs & a sort of "bondage" collar - yea it was probably a little rough, but I loved it! As conflicting as it is, judges are always looking for "femininity" on the women. I friggen hate that, primarily because I really can't stand "cutsie" music that so many women use (that's just me -- I was a member of the KISS Army probably before lots of you girls were even 5 years old! I am metal all the way!)
You also want something that will allow you enough time to hold each of your poses for an appropriate period of time - as was noted - if you are doing a bb comp and not fitness, you want to focus on your poses and not your dancing. And because your routine gives you the chance to highlight your best parts at the best presentation angle, you want the music to also highlight your moves and not distract from them.
I've only done 2 shows & planned to do a third - the first was to Metallica, the second to "We are the Champions" (it was ok, but it didn't do much for me) and my 3rd show was going to be to Janet Jackson - even that one didn't do too much for me. When I hear music I always imagine how it would work for a good posing routine -- my vote would be for Alicia Keys' "Fallin". Its slow enough but still has some amazing strong power & buildup in it for when you hit the amazing poses! It also has enough change in it so the 90 sec or so that you get for a routine aren't boring.