hey Garza
its a plasure for me to help you
my english its very bad, but i think you need a litle info about your computer.
u will play with your keyboard, and press the keys alt and the diferent numbers at the same time. for example:
ñ: alt + 164
Ñ: alt + 165
á: alt + 160
é: alt + 130
í: alt + 161
ó: alt + 162
ú: alt + 163
¿: alt + 168
®: alt + 169
Ø: alt + 157
£: alt + 156
Å: alt + 143
ç: alt + 135
Ç: alt 128
~: alt + 126
{: alt + 123
}: alt + 125
and more many combinations
bienvenido al foro amigo, espero que mejores tu español asi como yo mi inglés.