Hi guys I see online n2guard is always recommended for males using AAS, I was wondering if a female who will be running anavar alone for 7- 8 weeks should take something like n2guard or it's not necessary, thank you.
Absolutely a woman should run N2Guard with anavar. Anavar is a liver toxic oral steroid so you want to keep the liver and other organs healthy. While on your cycle I would run 7 caps per day.
n2guard should be used on cycle and if you can afford it off cycle too. i personally try to use it year round because it is a total support supplement from A to Z. i feel better on it, i sleep better, i have better sex life, etc
You definitely need it, because to my knowledge, women also have a liver, and this supplement is aimed at supporting the liver when taking oral steroids, which have the tendency to stress that vital organ. So N2Guard is definitely a must for you while using oral steroids.
Each bottle of N2guard contains 210 capsules. At the recommended dosage of 7 capsules/day each bottle will last you 30 days, or 4 weeks and 2 days.
If you are using the product just for general health and wellness, you don't need the full 7 capsule/day dosage. However, if you are running liver toxic oral steroids, I would stick with the recommended dosage.