New member
This is my journal. I'd appreciate any feed back or answers to my question. I use fitday for my diet and I workout on a split. Supplements I am taking are Swole, Animal Pak, Animal Nitro, Ephedrine, Redline, Glutamine, Fish Oil, Cla...
I am 5'7 197 coming off of a bulk and Im not really sure if I am cutting or not. Is this low enough cals to do a cut if so I will cut if not i guess it may be a cleaner bulk I dont know. But I really do want to cut my bf% down even though I dont know it. I can see 6 abs when I flex in the mirror but all other times I have 4. I also cant see the veins in my biceps but every thing else in my body is always pumped. So if you can help me out id appreciate it. All my food comes from these sources I do get 3 protein shakes in a day though. Steak, Tuna, Peanuts, Fish, oil, Roast Beef, Mixed veggies, Oats, sweet pothatoes, pineapples, oranges, skim milk.Ill sneak in some grape juice or apple juice every blue moon. I dont take the swole with any jusice becuase I think it taste good so I drink it straight.
Supplments tell me if im taking these right
WITH meals
1 cla with biggest meals
After breakfast
3 redline 25 mg ephedrine
After Lunch 2 1/2 hrs before workout
Animal Pak
1 hr before work out
1 ephedrine
2 redline
immediatly after work out
PWO shake w/oats or a banana...I do have dextrose but dont know how or what to use it with or when.
before bed
1 serving of protein shake in skim
Sunday Diet
On whey 3 servings the whole day,1sweet pothatoe,1hormal roast beef, 2 starkist chunk light tuna, mixed veggies,1 canned pineapple, 1 cup apple juice, skim milk, 2 cla, 2 fish oil.... 1915 cals, 34 fat, 195 carbs, 214 protein
Bench Press-3 sets of 6 goin up in weight to 225 starting at 135
Incline Press (dumbell) 2 sets of 10 starting at 80 goin to 90.
Verticle Bench (machine)20 reps of 110
Barbell Curl 3 sets of 6 starting at 50 goin to 90
Dumbell Curl (seated) 2 sets of 10 (40 lbs, 50lbs)
EZ Bar curl (Narrow) 1 set of 12 with 50 lbs
Elliptical 35 mins. at 80&
Hormel Roast Beef
Fish oil
Sweet Pothatoe
Morning snack
Starkis chunklight
Fish oil
Lunch(pre work out shake)
1 scoop on whey
1 oats
1 skim milk
1 fish oil
Post work out
1 scoop On whey
1 banana
Mixed Veggies
1 cla
1 fishoil
Nightime snack
Handful of peanuts
Skim Milk
2029 cals 49 fat 184 carbs 224 protein
Lat pull down- 2 sets of 20
Tbar row-2 sets of 15
Deadlifts-2 sets of 10 2 sets of 12.....225(sets of 12) to 275 to 295(sets of 10)
Low row cable- 3 set 15, 12, 10
Good mornings-2 sets of 10
Hyperextensions-2 sets of 15
No cardio
Tuesday off from gym but diet consisted of
2390 cals 75 fat 208 carbs 246 protein
3050 cals 116 fat 311 carbs 198 protien
I know I know..But I had a huge craving for Goldstar.
Dumbell Side raise-3 sets of 8
Standing military press- 3 sets of 10
front raise-3 sets of 10
close grip bench 3 sets 10, 8, 6
Press down 1 set 10 1 set 8
Dips 3 sets 20, 16, 14 weighted 45lbs
Elliptical 45 mins
Thursday diet
2551 cals, 88 gr fat, 161 carbs, 312 protein
Sources Steak, Nuts, Whey, Oats, Veggies, Tuna
Squats-5 sets of 20, 16, 14, 12, 10-145, 165, 185, 225, 245
Hack Squats (Sissy) 2 sets 12, 10
Leg extensions 5 sets 24, 22, 20, 18, 16.Starting 130 going to 180
Leg curl 4 sts 18, 16, 14, 12, starting 90 goin to 130
Calf raise 3 sets 30, 28, 20....90, 100, 105
I dont go for strength or weight on these yet so I go for form and squeeze it out on every set...I hurt right now.
30 min on stair climber
What is a pr???You mean weight+rep=total?
2,647 cals 79fats 143 carbs 340protein
Steak, Roast Beef, Whey, Oats, Mixed, Raw, 4 Fish oil, 1 cla
Pec Deck Fly(machine)-3 sets 20,15,10
Incline Smith Press (I usually dont use the Smith but what the hey)-3 sets 8,6,5
Flat Dumbell Press-3 sets 10, 6, 4
Static Stretch- 30sec hold, 20 sec hold
Standing Barbell Curl-3 sets 30, 24, 14
Preacher EZ barbell curl- 12, 12, 12
Hammer Dumbell Curl- 12
Incline Dumbell Curl- 12,8
Standing Dumbell Curl-16,14,12,10,8,5
cardio-35min Cross trainer
I'd appreciate if someone can tell me if I am doing something wrong. Or if I can add anything new. And please tell me your opinions on my supps and optimal times to take them.
Max core Lifts
Had my weight checked yesterday and Im down to 199 with close after about 3 meals. Did it at the gym.
So that is a loss of a little under 3 full LBS since Last Sunday.
Aerage Calories Eaten are 2485, 84 fat(27 sat, 13poly, 33 mono), 194gr carbs, and 246 protein. No alcohol as my wife hasnt drove me to drinken.
of my 2485 cals a day 30%fat, 30% carbs, 40%protein.
So now what should I do for this week. My workouts are still the same as I havent changed them. But I will throw a few diffrent exercises in this week.
I am thinking the weight I lost is only water weight but I have actually been drinking in almost 168 oz of water a day.
Supplements: I am taking Now Protein Post and before sleep and during sleep.
My fat burner is Redline with Ephedrine HCL.
My multi is Animal Pak.
My BCAA source is Animal Nitro.
I also take Glucose.
I also take V12.
Today consisted of 2,567cals, 48fat, 185 carbs, 349 protein
oats, tuna, now, banana, grap juice, skim milk, veggies
Deadlifts 5 sets-10,8,6,5 (205-325)
Chinups 3 sets- 20,15,10
T-Bar rows- 6 sets-12,12,12,12,12,12-115
Dumbell row-6 sets-10,10,10,10,10,10-85
Bent over row-5 sets-14,12,13,11,7-110
35 mins on elliptical
I just got a package of HDT protein(I wanted a protein to take at night) some ZMA and I will give legal gears product x transform ago. I hear good things about x-factor but couldnt find itin the store so I also checked into legal gear and since they always do me well I figured Ill try this at least until I find an online source for good working supps. Im going to go shopping today and get some more steaks what else should I add. Im going to double time it on the cardio today and do 45mins.
Military Press-5 set of 10
Behind Neck Press-5 set of 10
Side Lateralls-5 set of 10
Seated row(cable)-5 set of 10
Close Grip bench press-3 set of 10
Dumbell Kickbacks-3 set of 10
Rope Push down-3 set of 10
Reverse 1 arm pull down-3 set of 10
Cardio:45 mins elliptical.
current supp stact
Fat burner:VPX redline(tabs) ephedrine product X
Creatine:Swole V12
Protein:Now whey and HDT mixed whey
Animal Nitro
Animal Pak
Fish Oil
ZMA before bed
What should I cut out?
I'll add them in lol...You wont even belive that the person who I used to train with is a female fitness competitor.
What do you think of my supp intake what would be good times to take them? Have you heard anything about Product X. Or is it the same as X-factor? And so on my diet instead of 2 servings of fruit a day go with none. Also I am not to drink juice with my bcaa's?
What should I replace the behind the neck presses and kickbacks with or should I just cut them out and stay as is?
After breakfast
3 Redlines 1 ehcl
after lunch
Animal Pak
45 mins later
3 redline HCL
Before wo
After wo
39gr dextrose
39gr Oats
I take Fish ouil with meals...and I take a cla with my biggest meals.
2 hrs before bed
BCAAS (I have another lil bottle)
1 hr before bed
My diet wasnt the greatest today 1645CALS 22FAT 111CARBS 250 protein
No fruits
Sources of food were Oats, Roast Beef, Tuna, Whey, Chicken, 2 tbl sppons in my morn shake. Natural Peanut Butter...I didnt do any fish oils or cla becuase I heard you werent supposed to use them with product X?
Today is my favorite and most hated workout( Makes you realize why you work out at the same time realize why others dont)
Leg extensions-2 sets of 15
Squats-1 set of 20, 1 set of 15, 1 set of 10, 1 set of 6......
Rome Deads-4 sets of 10
Hamstring curls-3 sets of 12
Leg extensions- 3 sets of 15
Seated calf raises 3 sets of 12
Then 35 mins on the stairmaster
2330 cals, 81fat, 93carbs, 322protein
Steak, Whey, Natural Peanut Butter, Oats, Tuna, Whole wheat bread..
No juice no fruit today. I'm going to do up some sweet pots. tonight so I can have another carb source for pre gym
Today I will stop taking the Ntiro and Glutamine fishoil and cla
I will supplement these items.
Multi-Animal Pak
Product X
Thermo-VPX redline tabs
Morning-Now Whey
PWO-On Whey
Night-HDT Pro Blend
Creatine-V12 swole
Now straight for Breakfast
Redline and Ephedrine and product x after breakfast
Animal Pak after morning snack
Ephedrine Redline and product x after lunch
Pre work out- On whey
over course of workout-V12 swole?
After workout-Now whey with 39gr dex
with dinner Product X
1 1/2 hr before sleep HDT
half an hr before sleep ZMA
I am 5'7 197 coming off of a bulk and Im not really sure if I am cutting or not. Is this low enough cals to do a cut if so I will cut if not i guess it may be a cleaner bulk I dont know. But I really do want to cut my bf% down even though I dont know it. I can see 6 abs when I flex in the mirror but all other times I have 4. I also cant see the veins in my biceps but every thing else in my body is always pumped. So if you can help me out id appreciate it. All my food comes from these sources I do get 3 protein shakes in a day though. Steak, Tuna, Peanuts, Fish, oil, Roast Beef, Mixed veggies, Oats, sweet pothatoes, pineapples, oranges, skim milk.Ill sneak in some grape juice or apple juice every blue moon. I dont take the swole with any jusice becuase I think it taste good so I drink it straight.
Supplments tell me if im taking these right
WITH meals
1 cla with biggest meals
After breakfast
3 redline 25 mg ephedrine
After Lunch 2 1/2 hrs before workout
Animal Pak
1 hr before work out
1 ephedrine
2 redline
immediatly after work out
PWO shake w/oats or a banana...I do have dextrose but dont know how or what to use it with or when.
before bed
1 serving of protein shake in skim
Sunday Diet
On whey 3 servings the whole day,1sweet pothatoe,1hormal roast beef, 2 starkist chunk light tuna, mixed veggies,1 canned pineapple, 1 cup apple juice, skim milk, 2 cla, 2 fish oil.... 1915 cals, 34 fat, 195 carbs, 214 protein
Bench Press-3 sets of 6 goin up in weight to 225 starting at 135
Incline Press (dumbell) 2 sets of 10 starting at 80 goin to 90.
Verticle Bench (machine)20 reps of 110
Barbell Curl 3 sets of 6 starting at 50 goin to 90
Dumbell Curl (seated) 2 sets of 10 (40 lbs, 50lbs)
EZ Bar curl (Narrow) 1 set of 12 with 50 lbs
Elliptical 35 mins. at 80&
Hormel Roast Beef
Fish oil
Sweet Pothatoe
Morning snack
Starkis chunklight
Fish oil
Lunch(pre work out shake)
1 scoop on whey
1 oats
1 skim milk
1 fish oil
Post work out
1 scoop On whey
1 banana
Mixed Veggies
1 cla
1 fishoil
Nightime snack
Handful of peanuts
Skim Milk
2029 cals 49 fat 184 carbs 224 protein
Lat pull down- 2 sets of 20
Tbar row-2 sets of 15
Deadlifts-2 sets of 10 2 sets of 12.....225(sets of 12) to 275 to 295(sets of 10)
Low row cable- 3 set 15, 12, 10
Good mornings-2 sets of 10
Hyperextensions-2 sets of 15
No cardio
Tuesday off from gym but diet consisted of
2390 cals 75 fat 208 carbs 246 protein
3050 cals 116 fat 311 carbs 198 protien
I know I know..But I had a huge craving for Goldstar.
Dumbell Side raise-3 sets of 8
Standing military press- 3 sets of 10
front raise-3 sets of 10
close grip bench 3 sets 10, 8, 6
Press down 1 set 10 1 set 8
Dips 3 sets 20, 16, 14 weighted 45lbs
Elliptical 45 mins
Thursday diet
2551 cals, 88 gr fat, 161 carbs, 312 protein
Sources Steak, Nuts, Whey, Oats, Veggies, Tuna
Squats-5 sets of 20, 16, 14, 12, 10-145, 165, 185, 225, 245
Hack Squats (Sissy) 2 sets 12, 10
Leg extensions 5 sets 24, 22, 20, 18, 16.Starting 130 going to 180
Leg curl 4 sts 18, 16, 14, 12, starting 90 goin to 130
Calf raise 3 sets 30, 28, 20....90, 100, 105
I dont go for strength or weight on these yet so I go for form and squeeze it out on every set...I hurt right now.
30 min on stair climber
What is a pr???You mean weight+rep=total?
2,647 cals 79fats 143 carbs 340protein
Steak, Roast Beef, Whey, Oats, Mixed, Raw, 4 Fish oil, 1 cla
Pec Deck Fly(machine)-3 sets 20,15,10
Incline Smith Press (I usually dont use the Smith but what the hey)-3 sets 8,6,5
Flat Dumbell Press-3 sets 10, 6, 4
Static Stretch- 30sec hold, 20 sec hold
Standing Barbell Curl-3 sets 30, 24, 14
Preacher EZ barbell curl- 12, 12, 12
Hammer Dumbell Curl- 12
Incline Dumbell Curl- 12,8
Standing Dumbell Curl-16,14,12,10,8,5
cardio-35min Cross trainer
I'd appreciate if someone can tell me if I am doing something wrong. Or if I can add anything new. And please tell me your opinions on my supps and optimal times to take them.
Max core Lifts
Had my weight checked yesterday and Im down to 199 with close after about 3 meals. Did it at the gym.
So that is a loss of a little under 3 full LBS since Last Sunday.
Aerage Calories Eaten are 2485, 84 fat(27 sat, 13poly, 33 mono), 194gr carbs, and 246 protein. No alcohol as my wife hasnt drove me to drinken.
of my 2485 cals a day 30%fat, 30% carbs, 40%protein.
So now what should I do for this week. My workouts are still the same as I havent changed them. But I will throw a few diffrent exercises in this week.
I am thinking the weight I lost is only water weight but I have actually been drinking in almost 168 oz of water a day.
Supplements: I am taking Now Protein Post and before sleep and during sleep.
My fat burner is Redline with Ephedrine HCL.
My multi is Animal Pak.
My BCAA source is Animal Nitro.
I also take Glucose.
I also take V12.
Today consisted of 2,567cals, 48fat, 185 carbs, 349 protein
oats, tuna, now, banana, grap juice, skim milk, veggies
Deadlifts 5 sets-10,8,6,5 (205-325)
Chinups 3 sets- 20,15,10
T-Bar rows- 6 sets-12,12,12,12,12,12-115
Dumbell row-6 sets-10,10,10,10,10,10-85
Bent over row-5 sets-14,12,13,11,7-110
35 mins on elliptical
I just got a package of HDT protein(I wanted a protein to take at night) some ZMA and I will give legal gears product x transform ago. I hear good things about x-factor but couldnt find itin the store so I also checked into legal gear and since they always do me well I figured Ill try this at least until I find an online source for good working supps. Im going to go shopping today and get some more steaks what else should I add. Im going to double time it on the cardio today and do 45mins.
Military Press-5 set of 10
Behind Neck Press-5 set of 10
Side Lateralls-5 set of 10
Seated row(cable)-5 set of 10
Close Grip bench press-3 set of 10
Dumbell Kickbacks-3 set of 10
Rope Push down-3 set of 10
Reverse 1 arm pull down-3 set of 10
Cardio:45 mins elliptical.
current supp stact
Fat burner:VPX redline(tabs) ephedrine product X
Creatine:Swole V12
Protein:Now whey and HDT mixed whey
Animal Nitro
Animal Pak
Fish Oil
ZMA before bed
What should I cut out?
I'll add them in lol...You wont even belive that the person who I used to train with is a female fitness competitor.
What do you think of my supp intake what would be good times to take them? Have you heard anything about Product X. Or is it the same as X-factor? And so on my diet instead of 2 servings of fruit a day go with none. Also I am not to drink juice with my bcaa's?
What should I replace the behind the neck presses and kickbacks with or should I just cut them out and stay as is?
After breakfast
3 Redlines 1 ehcl
after lunch
Animal Pak
45 mins later
3 redline HCL
Before wo
After wo
39gr dextrose
39gr Oats
I take Fish ouil with meals...and I take a cla with my biggest meals.
2 hrs before bed
BCAAS (I have another lil bottle)
1 hr before bed
My diet wasnt the greatest today 1645CALS 22FAT 111CARBS 250 protein
No fruits
Sources of food were Oats, Roast Beef, Tuna, Whey, Chicken, 2 tbl sppons in my morn shake. Natural Peanut Butter...I didnt do any fish oils or cla becuase I heard you werent supposed to use them with product X?
Today is my favorite and most hated workout( Makes you realize why you work out at the same time realize why others dont)
Leg extensions-2 sets of 15
Squats-1 set of 20, 1 set of 15, 1 set of 10, 1 set of 6......
Rome Deads-4 sets of 10
Hamstring curls-3 sets of 12
Leg extensions- 3 sets of 15
Seated calf raises 3 sets of 12
Then 35 mins on the stairmaster
2330 cals, 81fat, 93carbs, 322protein
Steak, Whey, Natural Peanut Butter, Oats, Tuna, Whole wheat bread..
No juice no fruit today. I'm going to do up some sweet pots. tonight so I can have another carb source for pre gym
Today I will stop taking the Ntiro and Glutamine fishoil and cla
I will supplement these items.
Multi-Animal Pak
Product X
Thermo-VPX redline tabs
Morning-Now Whey
PWO-On Whey
Night-HDT Pro Blend
Creatine-V12 swole
Now straight for Breakfast
Redline and Ephedrine and product x after breakfast
Animal Pak after morning snack
Ephedrine Redline and product x after lunch
Pre work out- On whey
over course of workout-V12 swole?
After workout-Now whey with 39gr dex
with dinner Product X
1 1/2 hr before sleep HDT
half an hr before sleep ZMA