1. Pick an exercise to max out on (either 5 or 3 reps, sometimes and very rarely, 1 rep) for each of my 3 workouts (pulling/pushing/legs). Rotate this exercise.
2. Pick some "accessory" exercises that are not done to failure, but usually 5x5. Optional rotation. Might need to get some direct arm work in by the looks of those pics.
3. Brief, intense workouts. Today's workout took 40 minutes, which was a "long" one
4. No set split. Usually get in 4-5 workouts + a game of indoor soccer in each week, which seems to be an ideal frequency for hitting body parts for me.
You should have big legs if you play soccer. I had around 25-26 inch thighs before I ever touched a weight. I attribute it to those 13 years of sprinting around while playing soccer. My calves blew up from that too. No amount of exercising will ever get my calfs sore. I even tried one of those 75-sets of calf raises that people have been talking about with no soreness.
How old are you bro?
Looks good, I suggest you hit some chest exercises to catch ur chest up to the rest of your body, along with some shoulder exercises to bring them up to your traps a lil better.
Your pretty damn lean bro... I thought you were only going to be a little leaner than me when you said you had a similar body... dude.. you are WAY leaner