New member
Consider I'm ON and BULKING...
I tried lots and lots of gym workout programs and like changing once and wa while. The one I would like to try right now would be a 5 day split, mon-fri. I would like to hear what you think of a plan like this when on gear. I rather do short sessions like 30-45 minutes per session 5 days per week, than 3-4 days per week and longer sessions.
This is what I had in mind:
Mon: Upper/mid back, Trapz
Rows(one week BB rows, next DB rows)
3 warmup sets then heavy 8 reps, breath 15 times and then do as many reps I can with same weight, then rest 15 breaths then as many reps as I can. Like the DC method
Chins narrow grip, 2 sets 8 reps, then 6 reps(1 minute between sets)
Seated rows 8 reps, then 6 reps
BB shrugs 3 sets
I end the session with 1 set BB biceps curl or DB curl, 10 reps or so, my biceps will by now be pretty tired so why not pump out the last from it.
Tue: Chest
Flat Bench
3 warmup sets
3 DC sets, 8reps beath 15 times, then same weight as many reps I can of 3 reps
Incline bench 2 sets, 8 reps - 6 reps
decline bench in mashine: 8 reps, 6 reps
One triceps excercise like pushdowns, scull crucher 10reps
Done(always streach massive after each session)
Wed: Legs/lower back
Deadlifts 3 warmups, then 3 set 10 reps each
Squat: 2 warmups then 3 sets 10 reps each
Legcurl 2 sets 10reps, 8reps, 6 reps
Legpress: 2 sets, 10reps, 8 reps, 6 reps
Calfs, 3 set 10reps each
Tue: Shoulders
Military press on flat bench(no back support) 3 warmup, then 3 sets like the DC method
Behind neck press 2 sets, 10-12 reps each
then 2 more of some light excersices, 2 set each, 10-12 reps each
Narrow benchpress(every other week Dips)
3 warmup sets, then 3 worksets after DC method
BB bicepscurl 3 warmupsets, 3 DC sets
scull crusher, 8 reps, 6 reps
Seated decline DB biceps press 2 sets 8 reps each
Pushdowns 2 set or OH DB Press(one hand a time)
2 sets hammercurls 8reps,. 6 reps
Food: I will increase protein and calories a bit. Pre workout big meal and post workout big meal.
I wokrout very intense with little rest between. If I feel tired I will not workout but take a day of instead.
I will follow this for 2 weeks then change to mon shoulders, tues back, wedn chest, thu legs, fri arms
any comments?
I tried lots and lots of gym workout programs and like changing once and wa while. The one I would like to try right now would be a 5 day split, mon-fri. I would like to hear what you think of a plan like this when on gear. I rather do short sessions like 30-45 minutes per session 5 days per week, than 3-4 days per week and longer sessions.
This is what I had in mind:
Mon: Upper/mid back, Trapz
Rows(one week BB rows, next DB rows)
3 warmup sets then heavy 8 reps, breath 15 times and then do as many reps I can with same weight, then rest 15 breaths then as many reps as I can. Like the DC method
Chins narrow grip, 2 sets 8 reps, then 6 reps(1 minute between sets)
Seated rows 8 reps, then 6 reps
BB shrugs 3 sets
I end the session with 1 set BB biceps curl or DB curl, 10 reps or so, my biceps will by now be pretty tired so why not pump out the last from it.
Tue: Chest
Flat Bench
3 warmup sets
3 DC sets, 8reps beath 15 times, then same weight as many reps I can of 3 reps
Incline bench 2 sets, 8 reps - 6 reps
decline bench in mashine: 8 reps, 6 reps
One triceps excercise like pushdowns, scull crucher 10reps
Done(always streach massive after each session)
Wed: Legs/lower back
Deadlifts 3 warmups, then 3 set 10 reps each
Squat: 2 warmups then 3 sets 10 reps each
Legcurl 2 sets 10reps, 8reps, 6 reps
Legpress: 2 sets, 10reps, 8 reps, 6 reps
Calfs, 3 set 10reps each
Tue: Shoulders
Military press on flat bench(no back support) 3 warmup, then 3 sets like the DC method
Behind neck press 2 sets, 10-12 reps each
then 2 more of some light excersices, 2 set each, 10-12 reps each
Narrow benchpress(every other week Dips)
3 warmup sets, then 3 worksets after DC method
BB bicepscurl 3 warmupsets, 3 DC sets
scull crusher, 8 reps, 6 reps
Seated decline DB biceps press 2 sets 8 reps each
Pushdowns 2 set or OH DB Press(one hand a time)
2 sets hammercurls 8reps,. 6 reps
Food: I will increase protein and calories a bit. Pre workout big meal and post workout big meal.
I wokrout very intense with little rest between. If I feel tired I will not workout but take a day of instead.
I will follow this for 2 weeks then change to mon shoulders, tues back, wedn chest, thu legs, fri arms
any comments?