Hello,Im Allan,im 20 years old,i`ve been going to gym for almost 2 years with some breaks.In these 2 years of gym i got from 60kg to 80kg with almost no supliments,i only have been using for a few months some pre work out supliments,thats all.In rest a good diet,depending on my period bulking/cutting.
So i've finally made up my mind to try some steroids,so this is my first cycle i want to try.
I want to go for anavar+turanabol because it's one of the safest cycle and i want to reduce my body fat,gain some strength and vascularity.
So because this is my first time i will go with low mg at start
First 10 days i want to go for 20mg anavar 20mg turanabol
Next 10 days 30mg anavar 30mg turanabol
And the last 10 days,i want 2 go for 50mg anavar and 30mg turanabol.
Also i will be using liv 52 the entire cycle and during this i`ll have a low carbs diet and rich in proteins.
As i know and read a lot about these 2 steroids,they are not androgenic,and if im doing turanabol only on low doses like mine,i dont need a PCT.
Anyways,I know a lot of people from this forum has way much knowledge about steroids than me,so im open for good advices
At the moment,i haven't bought any steroids yet,because I want some advices from you on this cycle.
Note:Lately i've been bulking,with only high carbs diet and no supliments and so,i gained pretty much body fat.
Here is a pic with me at the moment: http://i57.tinypic.com/2v9udsl.jpg
So i've finally made up my mind to try some steroids,so this is my first cycle i want to try.
I want to go for anavar+turanabol because it's one of the safest cycle and i want to reduce my body fat,gain some strength and vascularity.
So because this is my first time i will go with low mg at start
First 10 days i want to go for 20mg anavar 20mg turanabol
Next 10 days 30mg anavar 30mg turanabol
And the last 10 days,i want 2 go for 50mg anavar and 30mg turanabol.
Also i will be using liv 52 the entire cycle and during this i`ll have a low carbs diet and rich in proteins.
As i know and read a lot about these 2 steroids,they are not androgenic,and if im doing turanabol only on low doses like mine,i dont need a PCT.
Anyways,I know a lot of people from this forum has way much knowledge about steroids than me,so im open for good advices

At the moment,i haven't bought any steroids yet,because I want some advices from you on this cycle.
Note:Lately i've been bulking,with only high carbs diet and no supliments and so,i gained pretty much body fat.
Here is a pic with me at the moment: http://i57.tinypic.com/2v9udsl.jpg