Hey Bro! My post cycle is not going to bad. I have been on Clomid for almost 2 weeks and the mood swings are not a problem at all for me(I have been taking primrose oil so that may be helping) The acne has increased a little but nothing out of control. I have only lost 2-3 pounds so far. I have been eating the same as on cycle but it is hard as I am not on Eq anymore I have lowered my training and trying to get more rest. I am feeling really tired alot but I still manage to eat and train. I need to get a tan though My strenth has pretty much stayed the same, maybe a lost in a rep or two but nothing really noticable. Hopefully I will not loose anymore and I can start my cuting cycle and get RIPPED just in time for my summer vacation Best of luck on your cycle as well bro!