I fouled up and ran an 8 week cycle of Anavar 25mg/Winstrol 25mg/Proviron 25mg (2 in AM and 1 in PM) WITHOUT an AI and no PCT supplies on hand. I was grossly misinformed and clearly didn't do my research and listened to my friend who said O don't worry, these are mild and don't convert so you really don't need an AI on this stuff (lol right!). Anyway...
I stopped taking everything yesterday because I noticed over a week span I started to lose all my gains and experienced muscle atrophy (severe decline of muscle mass/volume/definition). I went from looking shredded, to rounded, bloated and disgusting, with some mild forehead acne and fat gain almost within a week's time. Also, my erections aren't hard and I have a 'hard' time keeping an erection when aroused. But my sex drive is still high as it usually is. Also my hair seemingly is coming out more than normal, and I'm slightly out of it mentally with focus and irritable.
I'm going to get bloodwork done in 2 days but the issue is I am supposed to go on vacation (out of the country) later that night for 10 days!
My questions to the experienced are:
With estrogen (most likely) overtaking my body this quick and causing these issues, how long would I need to run PCT to combat this? And would I do an AI and a SARMS (think I spelled right)?
Has anyone ever heard of or personally themself not had AI during a cycle and no PCT ready and lost all their muscle mass/definition? And how long did it take of PCT or down time to recover and get body back in check with normal estro and test levels?
Should I cancel my vacation with the idea I probably need to wait at least 2 days after bloods for doctor to prescribe whatever meds I need? (I have no source for Clomid, Nolvadex, Arimidex, HCG, etc. and am praying the doctor will write me what I need).
Is there anyway a doctor would write a script for the things I need after being straightforward about what I did and what my symptoms are now? (I.e. anyway I could get a prescription filled on Monday so I can hop on proper PCT and save my body, versus cannceling trip, or even worse going on trip and extending my condition out even further)?
What results/numbers are are looking for in the test results? I'm 34, male, 184, 5'11.
I stopped ALL supplements today, even the over the counter DIM / PCT stuff I had in case it throws off the bood test. But after the test, IF I can't get PCT supplies, should I hop on that stuff and double dosage perhaps? (I also have Proviron available too).
Now I see why the veteran guys on this site always emphasize the urgency/need to make sure you have your PCT in HAND before beginning a cycle. Ugh!!! Live and learn I suppose, but hope I didn't destroy my body. Disgusted with myself and the loss of gains and poor decision making/misinformed choices I made during this cycle.
I stopped taking everything yesterday because I noticed over a week span I started to lose all my gains and experienced muscle atrophy (severe decline of muscle mass/volume/definition). I went from looking shredded, to rounded, bloated and disgusting, with some mild forehead acne and fat gain almost within a week's time. Also, my erections aren't hard and I have a 'hard' time keeping an erection when aroused. But my sex drive is still high as it usually is. Also my hair seemingly is coming out more than normal, and I'm slightly out of it mentally with focus and irritable.
I'm going to get bloodwork done in 2 days but the issue is I am supposed to go on vacation (out of the country) later that night for 10 days!
My questions to the experienced are:
With estrogen (most likely) overtaking my body this quick and causing these issues, how long would I need to run PCT to combat this? And would I do an AI and a SARMS (think I spelled right)?
Has anyone ever heard of or personally themself not had AI during a cycle and no PCT ready and lost all their muscle mass/definition? And how long did it take of PCT or down time to recover and get body back in check with normal estro and test levels?
Should I cancel my vacation with the idea I probably need to wait at least 2 days after bloods for doctor to prescribe whatever meds I need? (I have no source for Clomid, Nolvadex, Arimidex, HCG, etc. and am praying the doctor will write me what I need).
Is there anyway a doctor would write a script for the things I need after being straightforward about what I did and what my symptoms are now? (I.e. anyway I could get a prescription filled on Monday so I can hop on proper PCT and save my body, versus cannceling trip, or even worse going on trip and extending my condition out even further)?
What results/numbers are are looking for in the test results? I'm 34, male, 184, 5'11.
I stopped ALL supplements today, even the over the counter DIM / PCT stuff I had in case it throws off the bood test. But after the test, IF I can't get PCT supplies, should I hop on that stuff and double dosage perhaps? (I also have Proviron available too).
Now I see why the veteran guys on this site always emphasize the urgency/need to make sure you have your PCT in HAND before beginning a cycle. Ugh!!! Live and learn I suppose, but hope I didn't destroy my body. Disgusted with myself and the loss of gains and poor decision making/misinformed choices I made during this cycle.