I will delete these by the weekend. Large files and people watching them over and over is killing my bandwidth on my site.
Please SAVE these to your computer and do not watch them over and over from my website...
These are a few clips that I took with my camera at the 2002 Pro Strongman Nationals.
1st Event: Axle Press for reps in 75 seconds. 300 pounds, 2 3/8" bar, non-revolving, partial pull from the ground, bar must go below the chin. Notice that Magnus Ver Magnusson was the ref on Jesse and Schoonie's side.
Jesse Marunde getting 14 (or 15 maybe) in 75 seconds (2nd place)
Marunde axle
Brian Schoonveld getting 16 reps for 1st place
Schoonie axle
Johnny Perry getting 8 reps...about 6-8th place, think he was 6'6" and 390 here...
Perry axle
2nd Event: Partial Deadlift from 15" for max weight, 5 attempts allowed.
Jared Spybrook, 5'10" 265 pounds of fire...
780 PDL
2nd attempt miss
Art McDermott, 6', 260, 42 years old...with torn rotator cuffs. He is also a world class Highland Games athlete and has a lot of NCAA track and field experience.
800 PDL
840 I think...
Schoonie doing the Partial Deadlift. He had been working with Ed Coan for a while on his deadlift because it was horrible. He HAD to get this lift and it is the WORST deadlift I have EVER seen in my life!!!!
780-800 I think...
Karl Gillingham, 6'3" , 290, been to the Worlds 3x I think. His father is Brad Gillingham (All Pro NFL) and his brother is Wade Gillingham (IPF world champion a few time I believe in powerlifting). His other brother Wade Gillingham is also a Pro.
860 PDL
Pat McGettigan, 6'2", 300. I believe that he has also deadlifted 800 in a meet.
970 PDL, meet record, 1st place
I encourage everyone to go to the Pro Nationals this August 9th in St. Louis. It is a wonderful time
B True
Please SAVE these to your computer and do not watch them over and over from my website...
These are a few clips that I took with my camera at the 2002 Pro Strongman Nationals.
1st Event: Axle Press for reps in 75 seconds. 300 pounds, 2 3/8" bar, non-revolving, partial pull from the ground, bar must go below the chin. Notice that Magnus Ver Magnusson was the ref on Jesse and Schoonie's side.
Jesse Marunde getting 14 (or 15 maybe) in 75 seconds (2nd place)
Marunde axle
Brian Schoonveld getting 16 reps for 1st place
Schoonie axle
Johnny Perry getting 8 reps...about 6-8th place, think he was 6'6" and 390 here...
Perry axle
2nd Event: Partial Deadlift from 15" for max weight, 5 attempts allowed.
Jared Spybrook, 5'10" 265 pounds of fire...
780 PDL
2nd attempt miss
Art McDermott, 6', 260, 42 years old...with torn rotator cuffs. He is also a world class Highland Games athlete and has a lot of NCAA track and field experience.
800 PDL
840 I think...
Schoonie doing the Partial Deadlift. He had been working with Ed Coan for a while on his deadlift because it was horrible. He HAD to get this lift and it is the WORST deadlift I have EVER seen in my life!!!!
780-800 I think...
Karl Gillingham, 6'3" , 290, been to the Worlds 3x I think. His father is Brad Gillingham (All Pro NFL) and his brother is Wade Gillingham (IPF world champion a few time I believe in powerlifting). His other brother Wade Gillingham is also a Pro.
860 PDL
Pat McGettigan, 6'2", 300. I believe that he has also deadlifted 800 in a meet.
970 PDL, meet record, 1st place
I encourage everyone to go to the Pro Nationals this August 9th in St. Louis. It is a wonderful time

B True