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more reps and sets sarms


New member
I’m going to start increasing my repetitions and the amount of sets that I’m doing and I would like to use sarms to help me get there.
My plan is 10mgs ostarine mk2866 for 10 weeks, then do rad140 for 8 more weeks.
Gonna do gw501516 as well the whole time for 18 weeks straight.
Rad and gw I want to do 20mgs
what do you think about this plan?
I’m 208 pounds and five foot 11
I’m going to start increasing my repetitions and the amount of sets that I’m doing and I would like to use sarms to help me get there.
My plan is 10mgs ostarine mk2866 for 10 weeks, then do rad140 for 8 more weeks.
Gonna do gw501516 as well the whole time for 18 weeks straight.
Rad and gw I want to do 20mgs
what do you think about this plan?
I’m 208 pounds and five foot 11
with sarms get
cardarine 20mgs ed and 25mgs ostarine ed with n2guard
and start powering up hard with 8 weeks of volume
I’m going to start increasing my repetitions and the amount of sets that I’m doing and I would like to use sarms to help me get there.
My plan is 10mgs ostarine mk2866 for 10 weeks, then do rad140 for 8 more weeks.
Gonna do gw501516 as well the whole time for 18 weeks straight.
Rad and gw I want to do 20mgs
what do you think about this plan?
I’m 208 pounds and five foot 11


Get the sarms from Umbrella Labs or RCS
n2guard is crucial on any sarms cycle
ostarine will work well, it is an excellent sarm
Don't over-complicate using sarms just use two at a time
gw is going to be the best for fat loss and endurance
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