For either cutting or bulking, I'm wondering whether it matters if a carb is monosaccharides (simple sugar, e.g., lactose, fructose, glucose) or polysaccharides.
In the book Burn The Fat-Feed the Muscle, the author seems to indicate that this distinction is very important, going as far as to say natural simple sugars are generally worse than polysaccharides.
I asking why this is and shouldn't it just matter whether the carb is low GI or not. Surely the lactose in non-fat milk/yoghurt, with a very low GI, is beter than the polysaccharide carbs in rice, potatoes etc with high GI.
In the book Burn The Fat-Feed the Muscle, the author seems to indicate that this distinction is very important, going as far as to say natural simple sugars are generally worse than polysaccharides.
I asking why this is and shouldn't it just matter whether the carb is low GI or not. Surely the lactose in non-fat milk/yoghurt, with a very low GI, is beter than the polysaccharide carbs in rice, potatoes etc with high GI.