due to my back issues, i still can't do most ME excercises, so i didnt start with a ME lower day. so it was basically westside without ME lower.
now i do raw/lower boards/DE bench work on monday and shirt/higher boards bench work on friday, with a DE squat day on wednesday.
due to the volume of the MM training, you gotta take a week off every 3 weeks or so otherwise your workouts suck. so this was when i would take a ME movement, either a full squat or a box squat.
my knees are bothering me and also my hips. i'm sure this is partly from squatting very wide for a few weeks without a suit or briefs, also messed them up more in gym class at school, so it might be another week or so before i squat (this time with a narrower stance)
i will probably only shirt up a month or 2 from my meets, so the rest of the time it will be high board work(6,5,4) on that 'shirt' day