GrandMaster said:
Honest to God... thats all i've found that works! the Pyramid scale.
how do u do the weights? hower reps more weight.. or the same weight the whoe exersize?
Well, here is a decent split:
Day 1 Chest, Back - Bench Press, Incline Db press, Wide Grip Chins, BB rows
Day 2 Quads, Hams, Calves - Squats, Stiff leg Deadlifts, Standing Calve Raise
Day 3 Rest
Day 4 Shoulders, Traps - DB shoulder press, laterals, and shrugs
Day 5 Arms, Calves - BB curls, DB curls, skull crushers, dips,seated calve raise
Day 6 Rest
Day 7 Rest
These are the basics, you can add accesory stuff as you see fit.
Ideally you increase the weight after each set.