The SALE is STILL going on
What's with this Crazy madness going on here?
The Price is still reduced almost 30%
Original price was $240 NOW it's $200 ONLY Until supplies last..
YOU WANT IT? Here's how, just click below and email us for details..
Just check out our online catalog shopping store
Supplier: Pfizer ,Greece
Chemical Name:Somatropinum
Comes In: 36IU vial(12mg)
Dosage: Men 2-6IU total daily
Active time: Varies by injection method
Class:Growth Hormone
Important: EXPO. DATE JUNE 2019
Shipping from Europe
Boost Energy & Vitality
Enhance Strength
Increase Stamina
Add Lean Muscle
Lower Body Fat
Elevate Mood
Balance Sleep
Increase Memory
Renew Skin & Hair
Rejuvenate Immune System
Improve Brain Function
Enhance Sexual Desire
Protect Cells
And much more...

The SALE is STILL going on
What's with this Crazy madness going on here?
The Price is still reduced almost 30%
Original price was $240 NOW it's $200 ONLY Until supplies last..

YOU WANT IT? Here's how, just click below and email us for details..

Just check out our online catalog shopping store
Supplier: Pfizer ,Greece
Chemical Name:Somatropinum
Comes In: 36IU vial(12mg)
Dosage: Men 2-6IU total daily
Active time: Varies by injection method
Class:Growth Hormone
Important: EXPO. DATE JUNE 2019
Shipping from Europe
Boost Energy & Vitality
Enhance Strength
Increase Stamina
Add Lean Muscle
Lower Body Fat
Elevate Mood
Balance Sleep
Increase Memory
Renew Skin & Hair
Rejuvenate Immune System
Improve Brain Function
Enhance Sexual Desire
Protect Cells
And much more...