[FONT="]I keep hearing about macros and fats,my question is does it really matter the foods you eat if you take in more calories than you burn? Won't you put on fat regardless if you are in a 1k+ surplus?[/FONT]
now ask yourself this... would there be a difference in fat gain from a 200 calorie candy bar or two hundred calories of grilled chicken? is there not FAR more fat, sugar, etc in the candy bar where the grilled chicken, if cooked plain and you have a clean breast of chicken would have little to no fat whatsoever, no sugar, etc... do you honestly think that either way its the same just because the calories may be the same?
there are many things that effect weight loss or gain and it is more complicated than just counting calories
dylan laid out the point above perfectly and is why the first thing i tell my clients is delete those stupid macro counting apps that do more harm than good
if your calorie maintenance is 3000 calories and you only ate 2000 calories and it is 9pm you are telling me that you should consume some beer and pizza and get those 1000 calories and that is smart? of course not.
people who follow this nonsense simply never graduated nutrition 101 classes. read a good nutrition book and understand that MANY THINGS affect weight gain or loss. one of the big ones is HORMONES especially insulin and glucagon.
our bodies evolved to CYCLE how much food we eat on a daily basis. feast or famine. it is like that for EVERY ANIMAL ON EARTH. the only exceptions are animals in captivity which are miserable and depressed. so never let anyone tell you that you need to count calories or macros and 'hit them daily'.. they are leading you very wrong
You need to eat a balanced clean diet for sure. Metabolically speaking, certain foods are more easily utilized for energy, some are easily converted to stored energy (fat), and some are metabolically more expensive to convert to fat than the calories they provide. The interplay is quite complex, and your best to not try to focus on just a few food types.
If you wre in a surplus like that you are going to put on fat. That's just science. Your macros need to be balanced properly but gains and losses come down to intake versus output. You cam gain fat eating totally clean and you can lose eating not clean. Your calories dictate that, and your macros will dictate the degree of fat gain, muscle gain, fat loss, or muscle loss
I keep hearing about macros and fats,my question is does it really matter the foods you eat if you take in more calories than you burn? Won't you put on fat regardless if you are in a 1k+ surplus?