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M-sten for a New Lifter


New member
Hello all,

First, a little background. I am 27 years old, and have always been of slight build, albeit with varying degrees of body fat. Even at 230 pounds a few years ago, I didn't have substantially more muscle than I do now. In fact, I probably had less.

I have been getting in shape over the last 2 years, mainly from running. It helped me get down to about 160 pounds. At times, I dieted to lose belly fat and get thinner (150 lbs.), but had so little muscle I looked like crap. So, I would allow the weight to come back on.

I quit running two months ago, and have been doing a beginner full-body lifting plan 3 days a week. I have been following a strict diet, with 6 meals a day, calories at 200 over maintenance, 160+ g protein per day. Now,I weigh 159 lbs. I have 5.5" wrists and 12" biceps, just to give you an idea of my unimpressive musculature. I have made modest gains in the last 2 months, but am frustrated with the pace of progress.

I have read many threads where beginners (usually very young at age 18 or so) are told not to use pro hormones. Is my situation any different?

I have been contemplating doing a cycle of M-sten to kick start some gains and give me the inspiration to continue. I don't want to get huge; I'd like to gain 15-20 pounds of muscle and keep it on. I know I could probably do this naturally over 1-2 years, but don't want to wait that long. If M-sten could help me pack on 7 or so pounds of muscle, I think it would motivate me to continue.

I know that I would also need to run liver support and PCT. My plan is to lift for 3 more months or so, and then do the M-sten cycle (with Advanced Cycle Support). I plan to use Clomid post-cycle. On cycle, and post, I would up the daily calories to 200% of maintenance, with lots of protein. Obviously, I would put forth the effort with the weights.

I am expecting some people to discourage this plan. If you do that, please tell me why. I don't care if I am compromising my ability to get huge in the long run. I don't want to get huge. I'd just like enough muscle to not look emaciated at low body fat. Since I am not as young as most beginners who post similar questions, I don't have the same endocrine risks as a teen, although I am aware of the potential side-effects.

I get the impression that many people who use ph are doing so to get bigger than their genetic potential would dictate, after years of lifting. In such a situation, it makes sense that the gains would be lost after the cycle. I am hoping that my situation is different. I would just like to speed up the process of putting on a modest amount of muscle. This seems like a reasonable way to do it.

Any help is appreciated!

You should not run anything right now. You have no base and have just started lifting. You need to be patient and focus on fixing your diet and training.
I did the same thing. Was 220-cut to 160 and wanted to get swole fast since I wasn't a fatty anymore. Long story short, I took some supplements, a test booster and natty est blocker. Not even PHs, crashed estrogen, no libido, and joints were shot. But I pushed through the pain, put some daddy-weight on the bar, and tore my rotator cuff. I had to take 4 months off, which turned into 6 months off because of loss of motivation. Also fun, my shoulder is still fucked, and I have had to do adaptive workouts ever since. Now, this may be extreme, but I'm sure if I was playing with hormones, it would have been much worse. I spent the next 2 years natty bulking, and got up to about 195-200, then I decided to try a PH. That being said, you will do what you wish, so if you choose to, be safe, buy support supps, and do a damn pct
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