You are on a low carb diet and you feel like shit ?
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People on the Atkins diet may be losing weight but they are also likely to be in a bad mood, say researchers in the US, who say that a lack of carbohydrates will reduce levels of the mood-regulating hormone seratonin.
Judith Wurtman, director of the Program in Women's Health at the MIT Clinical Research Center in the US, and colleagues have found that a lack of dietary carbohydrates stops the brain from regulating serotonin, a chemical that elevates mood and suppresses appetite. Only carbohydrate consumption naturally stimulates production of serotonin.
MIT researchers have discovered that the brain makes serotonin only after a person consumes sweet or starchy carbohydrates. But these carbohydrates must be eaten in combination with very little or no protein, the researchers said.
This can explain why people may still feel hungry even after they have eaten a large steak. Their stomachs are full but their brains may not be making enough serotonin to shut off their appetites, explain the researchers.
According to Wurtman, if the carbohydrate craver eats protein instead, he or she will become grumpy, irritable or restless. Furthermore, filling up on fatty foods like bacon or cheese makes you tired, lethargic and apathetic.
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People on the Atkins diet may be losing weight but they are also likely to be in a bad mood, say researchers in the US, who say that a lack of carbohydrates will reduce levels of the mood-regulating hormone seratonin.
Judith Wurtman, director of the Program in Women's Health at the MIT Clinical Research Center in the US, and colleagues have found that a lack of dietary carbohydrates stops the brain from regulating serotonin, a chemical that elevates mood and suppresses appetite. Only carbohydrate consumption naturally stimulates production of serotonin.
MIT researchers have discovered that the brain makes serotonin only after a person consumes sweet or starchy carbohydrates. But these carbohydrates must be eaten in combination with very little or no protein, the researchers said.
This can explain why people may still feel hungry even after they have eaten a large steak. Their stomachs are full but their brains may not be making enough serotonin to shut off their appetites, explain the researchers.
According to Wurtman, if the carbohydrate craver eats protein instead, he or she will become grumpy, irritable or restless. Furthermore, filling up on fatty foods like bacon or cheese makes you tired, lethargic and apathetic.