There is no magic here
Study Examines Why A Low-Carb Diet Works
Researchers examining the reason why low-carbohydrate diets work say it has nothing to do with metabolism, boredom or water loss, but they do offer a reason why the pounds melt off quickly.
For their study, the Temple University School of Medicine team examined obese patients with Type 2 diabetes who followed the Atkins diet.
They found that the patients on the Atkins diet consumed fewer calories. More precisely, lead researcher Dr. Guenther Boden said, when carbohydrates were reduced, the study subjects reduced their caloric intake to a level more in line with their body type.
"We concluded that excessive overeating had been fueled by carbohydrates," said Boden in a prepared statement.
When the carbohydrates were taken away, the patients spontaneously reduced their daily energy consumption by 1,000 calories a day.